LBNL: Wind and solar installations cut carbon emissions, generate US$249 billion between 2019 and 2022


According to the study, in 2022, the addition of new solar and wind capacity lead to 1,200-1,600 fewer premature deaths. Image: Thor Swift via Berkeley Lab

A new report from the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL) in the US has found that, between 2019 and 2022, the addition of solar and wind generation capacity in the US cut carbon dioxide emissions by around 900 million metric tons, driving economic benefits worth US$249 billion.

The report, published in Cell Reports Sustainability, notes that growing renewable energy installations in the US – wind and solar generation capacity more than quadrupled from 40GW in 2010 to 166GW a decade later – have driven a significant decline in harmful emissions. Between 2019 and 2022, the LBNL researchers estimate that new wind and solar installations alone, by reducing the need for fossil fuel electricity generation, removed 915 million tons of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, alongside 525,000 tons of nitrogen oxides and 468,000 tons of sulphur dioxide.

(The above content is reproduced from pv-tech,By JP Casey)


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